Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Is Hip-Hop Dead? (hip-hop poetry)

Is Hip-Hop Dead?
If People, by Our lyrics
can be led
With the light on ghetto
life, We shed
About how hard We have
it, as a kid
When Momma struggles
to keep Us fed
The hustle, We learn to
make fast bread
If We of such Poverty, can
spew off Our head
Using POWER that has folks
running sca'red
About how, We of the hood,
can Never be rid
Then, on this One thing, you
can surely bid
And, that is, Hip-Hop will Never
Be Dead


  1. I could almost read how it rhymes and has rhythm in it. I wish I could hear actual poem from the poet. I wonder the lines and spaces are divided in a way to create a rhythm since it is interestingly placed. The capital letters on the words that seem to be the beginning of the new emphasis made it easier for me to distinguish where to breathe. I also noticed how every letter of the word “POWER” has been capitalized. When I was reading it, that part almost made me say it aloud because of the impact it has.

  2. this poem emphaises "POWER" and also carry a clear rythm, it was easy for me to read, and comprehend what the poet was trying to evoke, also the use of slang at certain point made the poem more understanding for me, maybe because i can relate to the type of language used. great poem and expression of the state of hip hop and its inability die.
