Monday 17 March 2014



  1. I really liked this as it was very short but still managed to really tug at several heartstrings and provide a melancholic feeling. In my opinion, the desired effect is much better achieved when the work is much blunter and to the point. I really enjoy reading these, nice post!

  2. Despite its length, the visual of "time passes by" helps reinforce the meaning of the piece. The fading of specific letters reflects how things "pass on" as time keeps on going. It shows how time is immortal, and ultimately reflects the relationship between time and death. Like mentioned before, it is short but gets to the point.

  3. I love how the meaning of lines and the visual effect complement each other. The two elements complement each other by juxtaposition and completes the meaning of time slowly fading. I also noticed that in the middle, the lines show I PASS BY; it reminds me of people that came and went into my life, like saying I PASS BY and BYE. Cool work!

  4. I really liked this post, the way the poet used the fading text to express the fact that time is always passing by really helps the reader imagine time passing. Although the poem is short, it is a very powerful poem.
